How to build a 30k subscriber newsletter
If you had to launch a newsletter, where would you start? In late 2014, I launched a B2B WiFi solution company (AtmosFi), that evolved into a 30k+ subscriber Philly newsletter about 1.5 years later. You never know where or when new opportunities will present themselves. And you can’t be scared to pivot. This post highlights things to know if you were considering dabbling with Wifi services or considering launching a newsletter.
The Lessons Learned
Don’t be afraid to pivot your business. Always be seeking opportunities.
Wifi solutions are effective at collecting data — everywhere.
Newsletters done right is a lot harder than you think
The ‘Oh Shit’ Moments
We got spammed. After the initial three newsletter campaigns we got sent to the SPAM box on most emails. A consultant, $300+ in monthly email marketing tools, and 6 weeks later we recovered and got out of the spam folder. We learned to appreciate the art of newsletter-ing.
A WiFi Headache. Anytime WiFi went down (when it had nothing to do with the router) we got the call. Maybe it was our customer service, but it derailed progress on growing other parts of the business.
The ‘Ah Ha’ Moments
WiFi is really effective for newsletter sign ups. We were averaging almost 100 new subscribers per day.
Curated content works. The newsletter focused on a curation of hyper-local events, specials and promotions happening that day.
If I were to do it again…
Start with the newsletter approach from the start. Pivoting to this model got complicated from previous operating model.
Focus on partnerships to scale advertising sales (e.g. local marketing agencies)
Leverage third parties to build an integrated newsletter and website (no custom application required)
Be open to the pivot.
You never know what you will uncover.